March 10, 2011

New Year, New Foods

Alright. Obviously, in the fall, I was very gung-ho about keeping this updated. After spending all day at work on a computer, the last thing I want to do when I get home is do anything on the computer that doesn't involve celebrity gossip and/or cute kitten videos.

To ease back into this, here's a quick one, sans pictures.

Low-Fat, Low Sugar Basic Muffins
or, Muffins to Avoid Muffin-Top

1 1/3 cup cottage cheese
1 cup flour
1 egg
2 egg whites
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar

Make 1 dozen

Bake for 20-25 mins at 350.

The first time I made these I put in strawberries that I had frozen...they were quite wet and I should have added an extra 1/4 cup of flour. This was also the first time I experimented with the egg whites that you buy in a carton. While I'm fundamentally opposed to using those egg whites for an omelet or quiche, I feel alright using them for baking.

These would be quite bland without adding other spices or fruit. The second time I made these I was inspired by the Funky Monkey Booster Juice that unsuccessfully attempted to cure me of a hangover a couple weeks ago. I added:

2 mashed bananas
1/3 cup cocoa

...and they turned out great! Not quite the same as a big ol' Morning Glory from BeeBell, but in the interest of eating better, these are a great alternative. The cottage cheese adds moisture that compensates for the complete lack of butter and there are many different ways to change the flavor. I'm looking forward to trying chocolate orange, blueberry lemon or apple cinnamon.

This year, Peeps and I are dedicated to mastering pastries of all shapes and sizes. We've already had one baking day with another coming soon; stayed tuned for updates on that.

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